Here ghostie ghostie, niiiiiiiiceeee ghostie....... eh, whaaaaaaaa
Saturday I went on a Hidden & Haunted tour of the Edinburgh Vaults.
I think that might possibly be the scariest thing I've even done, but it was really cool :)
We met by the mercats cross, this is a thing with the coats of arms for England, Ireland, Scotland and Edinburgh and a unicorn with the scottish flag on top:
Our guide called herself Black Agnes, and had a cool old fashioned costume, and an imposising peronality.
she started by telling us about all the lost tourists still roaming around in the underground streets of the vaults because they strayed away from the rest of the tour, and that if we wanted to come out in this century we should stick to the group :)
Unfortunatelly something like 60% of my pictures in the vaults became blurry or just black for some strange reason..
Here is one that almost looks cool when it's a bit blurry:
It just adds to the strange atmosphere that was down there..
Here is one of how it was, with little light somewhere and small hallways:
In this room people have seen a big bat coming down from the corner in the pictures coming right at them to attack them:
Noone saw anything while we where there, though :)
In this corner a good and kind ghost is supposed to haunt. He was a cobbler, and Black Agnes said that if we felt someone messing with our shoes, it was just the cobbler interested in the 21st century shoe design :)
in the other corner of this room there was supposed to be a much less good ghost of a woman that lost her child down there. She loathes pregnant women, because they have what she can't get.
This is some more pictures of what it looks like in the vaults:
theese pictures are taken with flash, so they give no real feeling of how dark it was down there.. It was really dark..!
In this room, a prostitute was killed tied to the wall.
This is put there to honour the woman died here:
This room lies right below the house of an important judge in edinburgh:
A man named Cheesley was a real ladies man, but this didn't fit with his home life with his wife and 11 little Cheeselings. He got divorsed, but the judge desided that his wife should have a large sum of money a year from him. Cheesley didn't like this, and sait that he would get back at the judge. One night when the judge was on his way to church, he felt watched. When he came back out, Cheesley followed him, and when he had his chance he shot the judge dead. The killer was caught and he's legs where crushed and he was hanged as a punishment. A long time people said they had seen a ghost with crushed feed roaming around Edinburgh, until they found his feet and buried them with him in his grave.
When we was standing in this room, the candle went out, and everyone was standing in complete darkness, except for a few cameraflashes. When a laaarge drop of water splashed straight on my head I thought I would die of fright, until I understood what it was :)
This is out guide Black Agnes in the last room we where in:
we didn't get much history on it, or what the scelleton did there, but that was ok, because before then I was ready to end the tour and get out of there :)
Lastly, look at this picture and see if you see anyting:
look at the left side of the picture, doesn't it look like someone standing there?
There was noone else standing there when i took the picture, everyone else had gone in the other direction.. This picture gives me the creeps, seriously scary that..
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